> Probably. I think there is a faction in the accessibility community
> that believes a web page menu should work like a desktop
> application or OS menu. The problem is that web surfing civilians who
> use the keyboard are accustomed to the tab key (or equiv) and
> not the arrow keys for navigating a web page. Complicating the matter
> now, of course, are smart phones. In our own simplistic,
> unsophisticated way, we've taken a much different view of menu
> accessibility. While most experienced standards and accessibility
> experts seem to disagree with us, our testing lab, consisting of real
> people with real disabilities, seems to think it makes sense.
> I'm sure some here will disagree, so just consider it one possible
> solution.

What is the solution you're talking about? 
That link you posted does not tell us much about your "own simplistic,
unsophisticated way", nor what is your "different view of menu

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