Hi Steve,

> The linked example provided by tee i belive was taken from here: 
> http://www.html5accessibility.com/index-aria.html

Yes, indeed I found the aegisdemo from your site . Sorry if a credit of the 
source is expected and I neglected it. I thought it was a reference of 

> the example: http://hanshillen.github.com/aegisdemo/ is provided as an 
> alternative to the HTML5 menu control.
> The HTML5 menu control has not been implemented yet, but will almost 
> certainly have the same or similar behaviour on each browser and interaction 
> keystrokes will be same or similar to platforms standards for menu controls. 
> The example uses standard interaction keystrokes for menu controls, it also 
> exposes the correct semantics roles/states/properties for a menu widget, much 
> like the menu control in HTML5 will when implemented.

Thanks for the explanation!

When I think of drop-down menu, my instant reaction is, it's a collection of 
navigational elements for a web page, or an application. I am pretty sure this 
is how most people think whether they are web developers or website users. 

That being said, I actually had just looking up the HTML5 menu element the day 
before I learned about the  html5accessibility which I found from "Some links 
for light reading " from Russ's email.

HTML5 Specs define Nav element as <q>a section of a page that links to other 
pages or to parts within the page: a section with navigation links</q> whereas 
the menu <q>represents a list of commands.</q> and belongs to "Interactive 
ARIA defines 'menu' as <q>a type of widget that offers a list of choices to the 
user</q>, and 'menubar' as <q>a presentation of menu that usually remains 
visible and is usually presented horizontally.</q>, and 'navigation' as <q>a 
collection of navigational elements (usually links) for navigating the document 
or related documents.</q>

Dropdown menu in this regard fits nicely to the Nav (for HTML5) and Navigation 
(ARIA) elements.

Not seeking an answer from you or anybody here, as I am just thinking out loud 
in attempt to articulate my thought on many things about HTML5 and 
Accessibility, but feel free to elaborate on this topic or point out any flaw 
of my thought. Having said that, Dropdown menu does not appear to be "a list of 
commands" whether it be an application or a (conventional) website (that 
consists of HTML markups and hyperlinks). 

I get that HTML5 provides a new meaning for structure and semantics and 
can/will help users who rely on AT and improve the accessibility in many areas 
without the extended help from AT, and we as web developers will have to 
abandon some old habits,  to adapt/learn the new approach so to take advantage 
of what HTML5 brings; regardlessly the end result is to provide a more usable 
and accessible site to end users regardless of their disability with the 
minimum or no extended help from AT for larger audiences. Yet in terms of 
accessibility, there are fundamental aspects that shall never required users to 
learn new trick or abandon the convention (I call it common sense) whether a 
site is built on HTML5 or HTML6 30 years later (ok, with the way the technology 
advancing, maybe not); whatever enhancement/improvement the new technology 
brings, should based upon the principle and fundamental aspect, not cut it off 
and ask the user to learn the new in order to keep using the 'old' .

If the dropdown menu is strictly defined, or well-recongnized as Nav/Navigation 
based on HTML5 and ARIA specs, the menubar example behaves like cutting off the 
old (good way), forces user to  to learn the new in order to keep using the 


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