Hi Bill,

Some feedback on your build procedure for hamlib on Windows.

I followed your suggested procedure:

> In an MSYS shell:-
> mkdir ~/hamib-prefix
> cd ~/hamlib-prefix
> git clone git://git.code.sf.net/u/bsomervi/hamlib src
> cd src
> git checkout integration
> mkdir ../build
> cd ../build
> ../src/autogen.sh --prefix=$HOME/hamlib-prefix \
>       --disable-shared --enable-static \
>       --without-cxx-binding --disable-winradio \
>       CC=<path-to-Qt-MinGW-tools>/gcc \
>       CXX=<path-to-Qt-MinGW-tools>/g++ \
>       CFLAGS="-fdata-sections -ffunction-sections" \
>       LDFLAGS="-Wl,--gc-sections"
> make
> make install

Since I have Greg's JTSDK-QT installed, for "<path-to-Qt-MinGW-tools>" I 
substituted "C:/JTSDK-QT/qt5/Tools/mingw48_32/bin".

> this will leave a hamlib binary package installed at
> c:/Users/<user-name>/hamlib-prefix which is what needs to be on your
> CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. On Windows you almost certainly will be using a CMake
> toolchain file and this is where you will need to specify the hamlib
> binary location as one of the paths in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH.

Both "make" and "make install" ran to completion without errors.
I find no hamlib binary package installed at
c:/Users/<user-name>/hamlib-prefix :

joe@phy-joe ~/hamlib_g4wjs
$ ls -l
total 24
drwxr-xr-x 50 joe Administrators  8192 Sep 24 09:11 build
drwxr-xr-x 58 joe Administrators 16384 Sep 24 09:05 src

However, I do find libhamlib.a and libhamlib.la in
.../build/src/.libs, and after copying them to their normal location in 
Greg's JTSDK-QT, WSJT-X seems to build correctly.  (The build was, 
however, using the old (4/2/2014) include files, and perhaps other parts 
of the April 2014 build of hamlib.)


1. Has something in "make install" failed to work for me as you expected?

2. I see no use of CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH anywhere in CMakeLists.txt, and
inserting the line
        set (CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH C:/Users/Joe/hamlib_g4wjs)
at the top of CMakeLists.txt seems to do nothing.  Have I got something 
wrong here?

        -- Joe, K1JT

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