A small clarification:-

On 24/09/2014 17:53, Bill Somerville wrote:
> On 24/09/2014 17:50, KI7MT wrote:
> Hi Greg,
>> Hi Joe,
>> On 9/24/2014 16:31, Joe Taylor wrote:
> <snip>
>>> The only complaint issued by any of the scripts is this one from  the
>>> JTSDK-QT command "build wsjtx package":
>>> #######################################################################
>>> CPack: Create package
>>> CPack: - package:
>>> C:/JTSDK-QT/wsjtx/build/Release/wsjtx-1.4.0-rc1-win32.exe gene
>>> rated.
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>                       INSTALLER BUILD ERROR
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>     There was a problem building the package, or the script
>>>     could not find:
>>>     C:\JTSDK-QT\wsjtx\build\Release\wsjtx-1.4.0-win32.exe
>>>     Check the Cmake logs for any errors, or correct any build
>>>     script issues that were obverved and try to rebuild the package.
>>> #######################################################################
>>> The message is completely benign: the script just did not understand
>>> that the package name would include the modifier "-rc1".
>> Yes, I've hard coded that, as I've not found a file I can snag the file
>> name from:
>> CMakeCPackOptions.cmake
>> Which is what sets the the output file name I believe.
> That is correct but the definitive source information is in
> Versions.cmake in the source directory.
The variable set of WSJTX_RC defines the RC number and that line will be 
commented out in a final release.

WSJTX_VERSION_IS_RELEASE is not currently used but I have left it in and 
expect it to be set to '1' when we make a final cut.
>> In any case, I've updated jtsdk-cmake.bat, will post it to SVN shortly.
> <snip>
> 73
> Bill
> G4WJS.

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