On 24/09/2014 22:52, KI7MT wrote:
> Hi Bill, Joe,
Hi Greg,
> I did some testing with this today. I Downloaded & Installed (unzipped):
> http://hivelocity.dl.sourceforge.net/project/mingwbuilds/external-binary-packages/msys%2B7za%2Bwget%2Bsvn%2Bgit%2Bmercurial%2Bcvs-rev13.7z
> I used this version of MSYS as it has Git, SVN, Hg, and all Autotools
> pre-packaged in a simple .7z file.
> Process:
> ------------------------------
> -Installed to: /d/msys32/msys
> -Ran /d/msys32/msys/msys.bat
> - Set %PATH to:
> PATH=.:/d/msys32/msys/bin:/c/JTSDK-QT/qt5/Tools/mingw48_32/bin
> mkdir -p ~/hamlib-g4wjs/build
> cd ~/hamlib-g4wjs
> git clone git://git.code.sf.net/u/bsomervi/hamlib src
> cd src
> git checkout integration
> cd ../build
> ../src/autogen.sh --prefix=C:/JTSDK-QT/hamlib3/mingw32 \
> --disable-shared --enable-static \
> --without-cxx-binding --disable-winradio \
> CC=C:/JTSDK-QT/qt5/Tools/mingw48_32/bin/gcc \
> CXX=C:/JTSDK-QT/qt5/Tools/mingw48_32/bin/g++ \
> CFLAGS="-fdata-sections -ffunction-sections" \
> LDFLAGS="-Wl,--gc-sections"
> mingw32-make -j6
I don't trust parallel make on Windows, I would avoid using it.
> mingw32-make install
> ------------------------------
> MSYS has a make.exe associated with it, so I opted to use the
> mingw32-make binary to keep things consistent with gcc/g++.
> I'm not sure if this is critical or not, but, hamlib compiled and
> installed without error, but it's " Seriously Slow "
> I do not have libusb installed on my system, and I got this warning:
> " libusb--USB backends will be disabled"
> I'm not sure how to get around that one. Are you getting this error?
Don't worry about it, I get that too and have no idea how to get a 
working libusb of the right version on Windows. hamlib uses an old 
version of libusb and the API has since changed, the only source package 
I could find for the old libusb doesn't compile on Windows and I can't 
find a binary package :( I don't think we lose much by not having the 
USB back ends since the important rigs with USB interfaces emulate COM 
ports rather than having custom USB devices.
> 73's
> Greg, KI7MT
> On 9/24/2014 16:44, Bill Somerville wrote:
>> On 24/09/2014 17:31, Joe Taylor wrote:
>>> Hi Bill and Greg,
>> Hi Joe,
>>> As you recognized, the procedure I went through installed the newly
>>> built hamlib files, but not in the places I had expected.  My mistake.
>>> I have now changed the "--prefix=..." part of the command that invokes
>>> autogen.sh to read "--prefix=C:/JTSDK-QT/hamlib3/mingw32", and all
>>> appears to be well.  Newly built files appear in the bin, lib, include,
>>> and share directories there, and the usual JTSDK-QT commands build
>>> WSJT-X properly.
>> Good.
>>> The only complaint issued by any of the scripts is this one from  the
>>> JTSDK-QT command "build wsjtx package":
>>> #######################################################################
>>> CPack: Create package
>>> CPack: - package:
>>> C:/JTSDK-QT/wsjtx/build/Release/wsjtx-1.4.0-rc1-win32.exe gene
>>> rated.
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>                       INSTALLER BUILD ERROR
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>     There was a problem building the package, or the script
>>>     could not find:
>>>     C:\JTSDK-QT\wsjtx\build\Release\wsjtx-1.4.0-win32.exe
>>>     Check the Cmake logs for any errors, or correct any build
>>>     script issues that were obverved and try to rebuild the package.
>>> #######################################################################
>>> The message is completely benign: the script just did not understand
>>> that the package name would include the modifier "-rc1".
>>> For the record then, here's what I did to build the latest version of
>>> hamlib3 in Windows:
>>> In an MSYS shell:-
>>> mkdir ~/hamib_g4wjs
>>> cd ~/hamlib_g4wjs
>>> git clone git://git.code.sf.net/u/bsomervi/hamlib src
>>> cd src
>>> git checkout integration
>>> mkdir ../build
>>> cd ../build
>>> ../src/autogen.sh --prefix=C:/JTSDK-QT/hamlib3/mingw32 \
>>>         --disable-shared --enable-static \
>>>         --without-cxx-binding --disable-winradio \
>>>         CC=C:/JTSDK-QT/qt5/Tools/mingw48_32/bin/gcc \
>>>         CXX=C:/JTSDK-QT/qt5/Tools/mingw48_32/bin/g++ \
>>>         CFLAGS="-fdata-sections -ffunction-sections" \
>>>         LDFLAGS="-Wl,--gc-sections"
>>> make
>>> make install
>>> ... and then, in the JTSDK-QT environment CMD shell:
>>> build wsjtx rinstall
>>> build wsjtx package
>> OK and for future reference if you need to pick up a new generation of
>> hamlib then the recipe is:
>> In an MSYS shell:-
>> cd ~/hamlib_g4wjs/src
>> git pull
>> cd ../build
>> make
>> make install
>> ... and then, in the JTSDK-QT environment CMD shell:
>> build wsjtx rinstall
>> build wsjtx package
>>>     -- Joe
>> 73
>> Bill
>> G4WJS.
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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