Hi Bill,

I’d be happy to help.

Here is what I have for Xcode:

  Version:      6.1 (6A1052d)
  Location:     /Applications/Xcode.app
  Xcode:        6.1 (6604)
  Instruments:  6.1 (56160)
  OS X:
  10.10:        (14A382)
  10.9: (13F26)
  8.1:  (12B411)
  iOS Simulator:
  8.1:  (12B411)

In case it matters, I also have Qt 5.3.1 that was compiled when I was running 

Let me know if there’s any other information you need.

Scott D. Hernalsteen/W8CQD                           
FCC Licensed Amateur Radio Operator                  
(Amateur Extra Class)

"To preserve liberty it is essential that the whole body of the people always 
possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them..."
- 1788 Richard Henry Lee

> On Oct 22, 2014, at 17:12, Bill Somerville <g4...@classdesign.com> wrote:
> On 22/10/2014 21:11, Scott Hernalsteen wrote:
>> Hi John, Joe and Bill,
> Hi Scott,
>> I can report that WSJTX 1.4-rc2 compiles on OS X 10.10, with no changes 
>> required.
> Good news, what Xcode version do you have and have you installed any 
> SDKs other than the the ones in the Xcode install?
> I would like to try a package build on your system to see if the 
> problems John G4KLA has with building a portable package on 10.9 are 
> reproducible on 10.10.
>> The only issue I have when building from source is the same I had on 10.9:
>> The first time I run the command: cmake --build . --target install -- -kj
>> I get the following error:
>> Downloading kvasd for Darwin
>> -- file: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/wsjt/wsjt/trunk/kvasd-binary/Darwin/kvasd
>> CMake Error at 
>> /Users/w8cqd2/wsjtx-1.4.0-rc2-Linux.x86_64/CMake/download_kvasd.cmake:13 
>> (file):
>>   file DOWNLOAD HASH mismatch
>>     for file: [contrib/kvasd]
>>       expected hash: [198dbdde1e4b04f9940f63731097ee35]
>>         actual hash: [d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e]
>>              status: [1;"unsupported protocol"]
>> make[2]: *** [contrib/kvasd] Error 1
>> Running the cmake command again, with no changes/adjustments, results in a 
>> successful build.
> Yes I have seen occasional download corruptions on Mac, I'm not quite 
> sure why the CMake file download function is unreliable on Mac. At least 
> the MD5 check avoids any broken binaries on your system.
>> Scott D. Hernalsteen/W8CQD
>> FCC Licensed Amateur Radio Operator
>> (Amateur Extra Class)
>> www.w8cqd.com
>> "To preserve liberty it is essential that the whole body of the people 
>> always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use 
>> them..."
>> - 1788 Richard Henry Lee
> 73
> Bill
> G4WJS.
>>> On Oct 22, 2014, at 15:12, Bill Somerville <g4...@classdesign.com> wrote:
>>> On 22/10/2014 19:27, John Nelson wrote:
>>>> Hi Joe and Bill,
>>> Hi John,
>>>> I'm back home today from a wonderful time on the Western Isles (apart from 
>>>> the residue of hurricane Gonzalo).   Ploughing through hundreds of emails.
>>> Welcome back, glad you had a great break.
>>>> Joe:  I'll have computers up and running tomorrow so you can have a Mac 
>>>> OSX platform to build KVASD 1.12 as before.   I'll send connection details 
>>>> tomorrow.
>>>> Bill:   While I was away I have found that on 10.9, FortranCInterface 
>>>> insists that macosx-version-min=10.9  whereas in other places 
>>>> macosx-version-min=10.7.   This might explain why a build
>>>> on 10.9 for deployment on 10.7 will not work.  I'll send some details 
>>>> tomorrow.    Needs a CMake expert....
>>> OK, this may be in line with something I realized a while back. The
>>> problem with the target minimum version might not be with the SDK at all
>>> but with the GNU compilers which may not be honouring the command line
>>> switch correctly. I.e. one of them (gfortran I would guess) may be
>>> generating calls to the new optimized combined sin/cos function even
>>> when it is targeted at a system version that doesn't have the function.
>>> While you were away I dealt with a couple of Mac issues. The most common
>>> was the problem of double clicking the tarball in the archive which
>>> would give an error since it tries to extract in the RO DMG.
>>> I had to provide modified installer to a couple of Mac users to track
>>> down some CAT issues, they all managed to use the drag and drop
>>> installer made on my 10.8 system without issue. It might be worth
>>> comparing the gfortran compiler I am using with the one you are using on
>>> 10.9 given the sin/cos issue.
>>> I can report that WSJT-X runs without issues on Yosemite when installed
>>> from the drag and drop installer (and I would also assume from your 10.9
>>> built installer although that is not tested, to my knowledge).
>>>> --- John G4KLA
>>> 73
>>> Bill
>>> G4WJS.
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