One more comment.

G4WJS wrote:
> Static linking LGPL libraries into a closed source executable is allowed
> but I believe that the means to relink the executable must be provided
> somewhere. In practice that means making the object code of the closed
> source parts available.
> The above LGPL case should be the situation with kvasd, I can't answer
> for sure since I don't know which libraries are being statically linked.
> The complexity of making object code available might be not worth the
> trouble and dynamic linking may be easiest IMHO. AFAIK dynamic linking
> is the way that this is done in almost all proprietary products.

Just to be clear: providing source code or object code for the 
Koetter-Vardy algorithm would be permissible as far as LPGL issues are 
concerned, but is forbidden by terms of the license granted to me by 
Koetter and Vardy's company (CodeVector Technologies, LLC).

Finally: you might be interested that I contacted Alexander Vardy a few 
days ago, to let him know how I corrected their source code so that it 
compiles properly with recent versions of gcc.  I would have sent the 
message to Ralf Ralf Kötter, as well, but in checking his email address 
I learned that he had died several years ago.  He was a giant in the 
field of information theory.  There was a memorial conference in his 
honor ( see ) and a special issue of "IEEE 
Transactions on Information Theory".

        -- Joe, K1JT

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