On 27/06/2015 23:58, Steven Franke wrote:

Hi Steve,

> Hi Joe -
> Yes, I am comfortable with making wsprd_exp the official wsprd. It has been 
> working very well here. I had a couple of 16-decode cases again last night on 
> 20 meters.
> Say, I just happened to be sitting here working on tracking down the signal 
> dropouts. When you get a chance, would you please have a look at the images 
> linked below:
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/33211132/375Hzdata.png
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/33211132/1500Hzdata.png
> The first one is absolute value of the complex 375 Hz data from a .c2 file 
> plotted as a 108x400 pixel image. The dropouts are clearly seen along to the 
> top of the image.
> The second one is the 1500 Hz c0 “common” data written from within the 
> writec2.f90 function. The second image is (108*4)x400 pixels - and shows that 
> the features have a 432-pt fundamental period (at 1500 Hz).
> I’m scratching my head over here trying to figure out how a pattern like this 
> gets produced. Right now I’m looking at the wspr_downsample function, and 
> specifically the lowpass filter function. Does this sound right to you? I’m 
> not clear on what the timf2 function is doing - do you think that the problem 
> could originate in there?
That's some funky custom filtering going on there! One thing that looks 
wrong to me is that the variable 'nb' in wspr_downsample.f90 really 
ought to be initialized, I'd guess to '0'. Having said that a quick 
glance thought the code seems to imply that if 'nb' is zero then the 
whole divide weak and strong frequencies in timf2.f90 may not achieve 

I may well be well of track here as my DSP knowledge is way short of 
this sort of custom filtering code :(
> Steve
>> On Jun 27, 2015, at 5:46 PM, Joe Taylor <j...@princeton.edu> wrote:
>> Hi Steve,
>> Sorry to be slow in getting back to you.  After my post about wsprd_exp
>> I got involved in chasing a bug in the ISCAT decoder ...
>> On 6/26/2015 12:31 PM, Steven Franke wrote:
>>> I’m glad to see that you were able to confirm the improved performance
>>> of the two-pass decoder. I’m guessing that your dataset includes a more
>>> representative mixture of bands and conditions than the group of
>>> 20m files that I used. Hence the smaller, but still significant,
>>> increase in the number of decodes over the default wsprd.
>> Probably so.  I thought the increased number of decodes was very
>> worthwhile, anyway.
>>> I am surprised by your observation that the two-pass decoder is faster
>>> than the default one. That’s not what I see here. Are you using your
>>> wspr_timer.out times? Or some other measure of execution time?
>>> The numbers that I reported were the “Total” times from wspr_timer.out.
>> I ran both tests a couple of times, and I also used the “Total” times
>> from wspr_timer.out.  However, I was concentrating on decoder
>> performance rather than timing, so my observation needs a more careful
>> look before being taken very seriously.  I hope to find time to look at
>> it more thoroughly next week, and maybe see if any further optimizations
>> are possible.
>> Are you comfortable with making wsprd_exp the "official" wsprd now ?
>>      -- Joe

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