Interesting results with with "decoder #5" on 20M this evening:

2015-06-30 22:52      PA0MLC     14.097121      -4      0  JO31aw      5 
      NO3M      EN91      6335      297
2015-06-30 22:52      G6KIZ      14.097121      -16      4  JO02fu     
  0.2      NO3M      EN91      5949      293

2015-07-01 01:16      HB9CZF      14.097071      -1      4  JN47ch     
  1      NO3M      EN91      6719      301
2015-07-01 01:16      KB1MVX      14.097071      -12      -1  EM73     
  1      NO3M      EN91      957      20

In each case, same offset and 11-12 dB SNR difference... slick. There 
may have been others, but these are ones I caught.  Of course, numerous 
instances of only a Hz or three separation.

73 Eric NO3M
(WG2XJM 630M/2200M)

On 06/30/2015 06:18 PM, Steven Franke wrote:
> For those testing wspr mode in wsjt-x ver 1.6, I’ve just committed r5644 
> which makes decoder #5 from Joe’s table, below, the default decoder in wsjt-x 
> ver 1.6. It is no longer necessary to separately compile wsprd_exp to get the 
> benefits of two-pass decoding.
> Steve k9an

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