On 02/01/2016 14:00, Anders Rhodin wrote:
> I´ve already downloaded the content of the user guide directory as 
> suggested by Bill and have made a quick look in what will have to be 
> done. I´ve also downloaded an editor and a plugin for chrome for 
> previewing, however I would like some help in getting started.

Hi Anders,

thanks for the offer. Looks like we have some momentum for localization 
of the docs.

The easiest way to work with the user guide is to install the JTSDK so 
you can build WSJT-X. That will allow you to build the User Guide. I 
will make some changes to the build script to allow for multiple 
language User Guides so you will have a simple single command to 
generate the document to check out your changes.

For now if you familiarize yourself with the Asciidoc markup language 
and the content of the User Guide at:


73 & HNY

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