Thanks Bill... but the point is people are NOT being respectful of others. And for the record, I never claimed that anyone 'owned' any give frequency, but we have lived by a gentleman's agreement for all of the 43 years I have been a ham - and people mostly respected that agreement. That's all we ask.

As for national organizations, the ARRL has sold out on us and are totally worthless. And even if they weren't, what power do they have to fix it?

The point is not to complain, but to try to draw attention to the fact that there is a problem. If it's not brought to the attention of the people who use the mode (and develop the software), how will it every get fixed. This all started when the 17 meter PSK frequency was claimed as the FT8 anchor frequency and it's been going down hill ever since.

Face facts, the FT8 users would be equally upset if someone moved into their segment and started operating RTTY or some other digital mode. PSK uses a total of about 2 KHz per band; how about a little respect for that tiny wedge.


On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 8:31 AM, Bill Somerville wrote:

On 14/03/2018 12:24, wrote:
"and are fully aware of the caveats about making sure that callers know how to work them etc. then their brave attempt to try out an as yet unpolished feature"

And yet these 'brave' DXers landed smack on top of the PSK band. Great job, geniuses.


Hi Mike,

no one "owns" a given frequency. I will agree that attracting callers to a busy part of the spectrum may be unwelcome but do not forget that FT8 signals are nominally only 50Hz wide and if everyone takes care to only transmit on a clear frequency then we should all be able to co-exist and share the rather limited digital band allocations.

Complaining here will not get you far, complaints should be converted to requests in the direction national societies and others responsible for band planning. Clearly at the moment digital usage exceeds capacity at peak times, if this trend is going to continue that the band plans need to be adjusted.


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