I enjoyed the mock contest, tried to learn a little about the new FT4 in contest mode.
First QSO was K1JT at 00:01, logged 22 QSOs in the hour mostly calling CQ letting other stations find me.
Like others have reported I was a bit surprised to notice that Call 1st became unchecked multiple times, around the time the QSO was logged I think.
Also noticed that in about 1/3 of the logged QSOs the other station did not reply with RR73 after my report to them, I broke off the jammed QSO with the Next radio button to send them RR73. Not sure what the other station's setups were, maybe Tab 2 or Auto Seq unchecked? Don't know.
I use JTAlert to send log info to Log4OM as my main logging program, which goes by QSO start time, whereas the WSJT-X Contest Log uses QSO end time. My last QSO start at 00:59 did not end until 01:00:12 maybe should not count in the QSO total.
I never did try the Best S&P function as I called CQ all the way through.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [wsjt-devel] FT4 mock contest
From: Ray Rocker <rayr...@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, May 08, 2019 11:44 pm
To: WSJT software development <wsjt-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>

On Wed, May 8, 2019 at 10:21 PM Gary - K7EK via wsjt-devel
<wsjt-devel@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> On multiple occasions the other station failed to receive my RR73 and kept sending his exchange over and over. Unfortunately there was no timely method to requeue an exchange with RR73. This lost more contacts and appeared to confuse the autosequencer. I am very sure that I had set things up precisely as stated in the various emails.

That was my biggest source of consternation in the mock contest. The scenario:

I'm doing S&P. I see...
<-- CQ RU W1ABC FN00
Ok I'll answer...
--> W1ABC WQ5L 559 MS
<-- WQ5L W1ABC R 559 PA
--> W1ABC WQ5L RR73
At this point the QSO is logged and Enable TX turns off.
--> WQ5L W1ABC R 559 PA
Oh, he didn't get my RR73, let's double click him to keep going...
--> W1ABC WQ5L 559 MS

Argh! Double-click restarts the QSO and I wind up logging it again, if
he plays along. What I want is to just re-send the RR73 when I
double-click on a message to me containing " R ".

Also: the Best S&P at least once chose a normal (not in the contest)
CQ. Should it only select CQs containing the contest indicator?

I made 31 Qs in the mock contest hour. 14 of them were in the first 15
minutes. The rate nosedived, I suspect, due to QRM inside my skip zone
that I could not see in the waterfall. Moving around more probably
would have helped.

73 -- Ray WQ5L

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