For me it was pretty much a less than expected experience.  I started out
on the suggested frequency and when it got so crowded and I had very little
success, I moved up 2 as suggested.  Clearer but no better.  I believe I
followed the instructions to the letter and was expecting much better

I gave up after about 20 minutes with just 5 contacts completed.  I watched
several very strong stations to my location call CQ for many, many cycles
with folks trying to work them, myself included without success.  It was
like they had their receivers off.  Their times were well below the 0.5
limits.  Once in a while, they would make a connection.  Don't know if they
were clueless about the operation or conditions just that one-way.

Several times after calling one of these CQing stations for several cycles,
I gave up and tried another one with much the same results.  They just kept
calling CQ.  I was not the only one calling them and in several instances,
I did copy others trying as well on all different offsets, but they didn't
respond to any.

To test things out, I dropped down to the normal FT4 40m frequency and was
able to immediately work several contacts as expected.  Don't know what the
difference was, but there was something.

WB5JJJ - George
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