In my case, I answered many CQ's of very strong stations, only to have no more 
decodes from them. The result was dozens of incomplete contacts. Also, logging 
appeared to work only some of the time, resulting in more lost contacts. 
Logging complained about invalid information. The only thing I could do was to 
close that window, most likely losing the contact. I thought it strange that 
the normal WSJTX log popped up some of the time (with errors each time) and 
other times it was only the contest log.  Some QSO's were smooth and progressed 
as expected, but a great many did not. Some of that seems to be the that the 
autosequence often got confused. Best S&P did not work as expected.  Call First 
seemed to work but most of my attempted contacts eventually began with a double 
click on a CQ..

Then there were those that had inaccurate clocks and others that were sending 
reports (-01, etc), instead of RST and state abbreviation. And yet others were 
sending QSO serial numbers, which really confused the software ( and this 

On multiple occasions the other station failed to receive my RR73 and kept 
sending his exchange over and over. Unfortunately there was no timely method to 
requeue an exchange with RR73. This lost more contacts and appeared to confuse 
the autosequencer. I am very sure that I had set things up precisely as stated 
in the various emails.

All in all I ended up with about 30 contacts in the contest log. Had the 
various issues not been encountered I am sure I could have easily doubled my 
QSO count.  It is clear that more testing and increased familiarization is 
required for the software FT4 contest mode. I look forward to the next test 

Best regards,

Gary, K7EK

Radcliff, KY (EM77at)

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On May 8, 2019, 21:35, at 21:35, WB5JJJ <> wrote:
>For me it was pretty much a less than expected experience.  I started
>on the suggested frequency and when it got so crowded and I had very
>success, I moved up 2 as suggested.  Clearer but no better.  I believe
>followed the instructions to the letter and was expecting much better
>I gave up after about 20 minutes with just 5 contacts completed.  I
>several very strong stations to my location call CQ for many, many
>with folks trying to work them, myself included without success.  It
>like they had their receivers off.  Their times were well below the 0.5
>limits.  Once in a while, they would make a connection.  Don't know if
>were clueless about the operation or conditions just that one-way.
>Several times after calling one of these CQing stations for several
>I gave up and tried another one with much the same results.  They just
>calling CQ.  I was not the only one calling them and in several
>I did copy others trying as well on all different offsets, but they
>respond to any.
>To test things out, I dropped down to the normal FT4 40m frequency and
>able to immediately work several contacts as expected.  Don't know what
>difference was, but there was something.
>WB5JJJ - George
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