I just learned about x2go and wanted to try it out for a remote session to
a host I have so far done using vnc serving a xfce desktop.
But sadly my observation is that x2go is *much* slower and less responsive
than VNC.
For example just moving around a window on the desktop (same size) works
smoothly with VNC but is done in a very coarse fashion
in x2go with the window jumping around slowly and with considerable delay.
Both connections go over the same ssh tunnel, same kind of LAN so all other
things the same, the problem must lie with x2go or
the x2go settings.

Is there any explanation for this or anything that could be changed to
increase the speed of x2go? Is x2go not *supposed*
to be faster than VNC?
I have experimented a bit with the connection speed and compression
settings but that did not change anything either.
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