On 13-12-15 23:26, Jerome ERMEL wrote:
Hi again Ronie,

I'm sorry using your email for support but I'm not sure replying on the addons mailing list with such a long discussion makes things clean there.

I fixed almost everything except the zip files issue I previously mailed you and the 211 control in skinshortcuts script.
For the 211 control focus request I asked support here :


But as you can see and as I thought this is mostly a "delay" issue and a "known one" ... Bob said. Control 211 gets the focus but IMO after kodi checked for it. As replied in the forum, I can ask focus to another control "not building" but will appear weird for the end user having the focus at the wrong place.

Let me know about your decision for these 2 points ;)


hey Jerome,

thanx for looking into these issues.
the focus problem is certainly not a show-stopper, but it would be nice to keep the log clean from errors. most other skins do focus control 300 by default, would that be an option for you?

another way around it would be to add a hidden button and put defaultfocus on that one. add onleft/right/up/down to 211 to that button and you should be good to go as well i think.

i will get in touch with marcelveldt to check if we can work something out for the zip problem.
will keep you posted.

oh, and don't hesitate to use the addon mailing list for any questions/discussions, it's what it's there for. some info in these conversations might be useful for other addon devs as well :-)

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