On 15-12-15 13:04, Jerome ERMEL wrote:
OK, all those are coded. I didn't add them to the channels context menu since it appeared me much logical to use skinshortcuts' submenu to access them directly (set as default in the overrides). If this is a requirement or preferable for the repo, it's a pretty easy mod, I can add it (like it is in Confluence).

PS : Been contacted by Marcel, I think we are going to find a solution for using files extracted. Thanks for your help on this :)


no problem & you're welcome. latest version of skin.shortcauts is now in the addon repo,
hopefully that'll give you the option to get rid of the zipfiles.

i've checked your recent fixes and found one remaining:

Designer_Common.xml - undefined id 9011:
[!Player.HasVideo | !Skin.String($PARAM[CompPrefix].WPVDOTop,VISIBLE)] + !IsEmpty(Container(9000).ListItem.Property(background)) + [!Control.HasFocus(9011) | Skin.String($PARAM[CompPrefix].WPBgs,IMAGE)]

just gimme a ping once you're ready and i'll pull in your skin.

oh, i found the option to add LiveRadio, all ok there :-)

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