Dear Anant,

Bellamkonda Ramaraya kavi (1875-1914 AD, Andhra Pradesh) was a respected
Vedānta philosopher who wrote many works, including a sub-commentary called
*Gītābhāṣyārkaprakāśikā* (गीताभाष्यार्कप्रकाशिका), on Śaṅkara Bhagavatpāda's
commentary Gītābhāṣya (गीताभाष्य) on the Bhagavadgītā (भगवद्गीता).

So you need to be clear first what you are typing.  The *Bhagavadgītā* has
already  been typed into machine-readable form many times.  You can find
free copies here: (search
for "bhagavadgita").  Several commentaries on the Bhagavadgītā have also
been typed into the computer, including those of Śaṅkara, Yāmuna, Rāmānuja
and Jñānadeva.  So you don't need to type Śaṅkara's *Gītābhāṣya* itself.
Here is a shortcut to the *Gītābhāṣya*:

But I don't think Bellamkonda Ramaraya's subcommentary has been typed yet.
So that would be a good project for you.

When you say "all languages," I think you probably mean "all alphabets."
There are two important rules for you:

1. Type using Unicode encoding and font (see
This can be in Roman script or in Devanāgarī, Telugu script (e.g., Akshar
Unicode <>), or
any other.  All the scripts are supported by Unicode, so it doesn't matter
which you choose.  Take the one *you* are most accurate in and familiar
with, and in which Bellamkonda's work was published, i.e. probably Telugu.

Once your text is typed, *if you have used Unicode*, conversion to other
alphabets can be done automatically.

2.  Keep your typing simple and concentrate on accuracy.  Your efforts will
be of no use if you do not type  Bellamkonda Ramaraya's words with utmost
care and accuracy.  It would be an insult to his memory and his philosophy
to introduce errors.  So type carefully, and then proof-read (check) what
you have typed, and then have a friend check your typing too.  Every time
you check, you will find new errors to correct - don't be discouraged!

When you are finished, share the result with the world through GRETIL and
SARIT <>, as well as your own website.

Thank you for your efforts, and good luck!

Dominik Wujastyk

On 2 October 2011 07:21, A u <> wrote:

> Hello Mr. Shirisha Rao,
> I am trying to type shankara bhashyam on Bhagwadgeeta by "Shri Bellamkonda
> Rama raya kavi" my goal is to make it available on all indian languages.
> I was wondering if you can help me in this regard.
> I saw your example, it produces output in many languages. my latex
> knowledge is very little, if you can give me some guidance to start I would
> greatly appreciate it.
> regards
> Anant
>  On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 5:57 AM, Shrisha Rao <> wrote:
>>  El sep 12, 2011, a las 12:25 a.m., Neal Delmonico escribió:
>> > Also Zdenek raises an interesting possibility.  If I were to want to
>> typeset Sanskrit, say this very Sanskrit, in Bengali or Telugu script.  How
>> would I go about that?
>> I am able to get outputs in multiple scripts (Devanagari, Kannada, Roman,
>> Telugu), but not Bengali, using the xetex-itrans package.  The source file
>> has to be in ITRANS rather than accented-Roman (IAST) format.  See the
>> attached for an example of a source and output.
>> This should be extensible relatively easily to Bengali, Gujarati, Oriya,
>> etc., though perhaps not to Tamil.
>> Regards,
>> Shrisha Rao
>> > Thanks again.
>> >
>> > Neal
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