On Sat, 8 Feb 2003, David Turetsky wrote:

> While I fished around a bit, I don't see how to specify a different
> font... say for xterm. The 'Control Center' didn't seem to offer help

It's not a gnome issue to setup the fonts for xterm.  You can, however,
use gnome-terminal and get a point'n'click interface to change fonts.

For xterm, fonts can be selected on a one-shot basis with the -fn
command-line option to xterm.  Examples:

xterm -fn fixed
xterm -fn "-*-fixed-*-*-*-*"
xterm -fn "-*-avant garde gothic-*-*-*-*"

If you want to select fonts on a more permanent basis you will need to use
X resources.

You can see the system default resources in the directory
/etc/X11/Xresources.  You can also play with the command editres.
Finally, there is a howto:


(it is actually documented in excruciating detail in the official X docs
-- but who wants to read that many hundred pages?)

> Speaking of help, when I click on the ? icon on the bottom of my screen,
> I get a window with 'Could not load default TOC page'. However, when I
> click on Help in the menu of 'Control Center' it does open html pages of
> help

A gnome configuration issue -- nothing to do with XFree86, or even X in

> I tried importing a jpg file that I use in windows as screen background.
> Should gnome accept it? It seemed to politely ignore it. Is this feature
> limited to solid colors?

Again, a gnome issue.  It's got nothing to do with X.

(btw. jpeg files work fine on my system -- I suspect you are using an
older version where nautilus and other pieces of the system fight over who
gets to draw the background -- your background might actually show the
jpeg but nautilus covers it with a window with icons on it that looks like
the background but isn't.  You can tell Nautilus not to, tell nautilus to
draw the jpeg or get a newer version of gnome)

> BTW, on a personal note, my long-term memory is quite excellent and
> indeed improving with time; however my short-term memory ain't quite
> what it used to be since bypass surgery. As for age, that is a state
> secret, but I will confess to occasionally dating women easily young
> enough to be offspring and plenty old enough to vote. I suppose that's
> both bragging and complaining


I hope to be happily married at that age but I think I can settle for what
you have there... :)


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