
   Don't add a "\" to the second argument!

  > where "c:\xscanner\xscanner.exe" is the full path to executable name and
   "c:\xscanner" the directory where to find xscanner.dat file.

I had that exactly, and even used c:\xscanner dir structure to keep it
simple. The log file would show captures but nothing was put in the KEEP
dir, everything passed through even though logged due to an entry in
XScanner.dat defining it as spam. This is why I was always confused as to
where this 97/98/99/100 comes from, because I never see reference to it in
the actual filter program itself other than my old filter on 1.10

My attempts at getting 1.14/1.15 to work with filter systems was
unsuccessfull save for I believe autoreply.js

My assumptions were always that the filter passes on the code to XMail, but
again I see no codes in the XScanner.dat file.

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