At 23:39 7/26/2003, Rodger Cravens wrote:
>I am needing a catch all account for x-mail, but do not know how to set it
>up. I want this catch all account to get everything that is not slated for
>another "real" account. I guess I must also ask, does the postmaster account
>do this if setup as a mailbox and not a redirect?

As near as I can tell, you are looking for a * alias. You decide what 
mailbox you want to receive the "catch all" mail, then set up an alias for 
that mailbox of * - that will send all mail that is not addressed to any 
valid mailbox to the mailbox you designated.

For example, let's say that your domain is, and that you want the 
schmoo mailbox to receive "catch all" mail. In this case, you would need to 
add a line to the file that looks like this (note that between 
all quoted strings is an actual TAB character, not just spaces):

""       "*"     "schmoo"

Note that if you edit the tab file directly (rather than using an 
administration tool), you will need to stop xmail before editing it, then 
restart it afterwards, as the file is indexed.

Also, the postmaster account does not automatically act as a "catch all" 
mailbox, *unless* you assign it the * alias. 

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