>> and all that is easier than clicking a button in my program?

that question compares implementation vs usage, not exactly the same =
thing... but yes, it is easier.  I don't have to run an
external program to do it, or find the log entries in question.  I =
simply click a button while looking at the offending message or
messages in my inbox.  Of course, my extensions to outlook also do many =
other things, but I was asked only about how to implement
this particular feature.  Whether someone unfamiliar with vba would find =
that single task alone worthwhile or not is another matter.

My dev logs show that that one feature was researched, implemented and =
deployed in 28 minutes including one bug fix; the time
savings accumulate every time I use it.  I no longer have to compose =
messages to ISPs about spammers or cut and paste messages and
headers (my version of the anti-spammer button does those things for me, =

Consolidation of tasks at their point of use is almost always =
worthwhile.  At home, this practice saves me time, and at work, it
saves the time of those I pile work upon and keeps the turnover rate on =
my team low.

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