I am very familiar with VBA, but I dont see how you adding a spammer button
to outlook compares to a tool that  has many features, like white listing
which in that case you would never get an email in your mail box becuase in
this case you would be working with a rejected message from a domain, that
you may want to let into your system.

Most people do not get a copy of every message that comes into there system
so how does this help your clients or anyone else. Besides Outlook and
Outlook express already have a block list built into them so your button is
kinda moot point.

We are talking here from a system administrators point of view here, unless
your are talking from a end users point of view I guess that would be a
handy feature if you did't like the block sender builtin to your mail
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "T. Mike Howeth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2003 1:58 PM
Subject: [xmail] Re: log file => spammers

> >> and all that is easier than clicking a button in my program?
> that question compares implementation vs usage, not exactly the same =
> thing... but yes, it is easier.  I don't have to run an
> external program to do it, or find the log entries in question.  I =
> simply click a button while looking at the offending message or
> messages in my inbox.  Of course, my extensions to outlook also do many =
> other things, but I was asked only about how to implement
> this particular feature.  Whether someone unfamiliar with vba would find =
> that single task alone worthwhile or not is another matter.
> My dev logs show that that one feature was researched, implemented and =
> deployed in 28 minutes including one bug fix; the time
> savings accumulate every time I use it.  I no longer have to compose =
> messages to ISPs about spammers or cut and paste messages and
> headers (my version of the anti-spammer button does those things for me, =
> too).
> Consolidation of tasks at their point of use is almost always =
> worthwhile.  At home, this practice saves me time, and at work, it
> saves the time of those I pile work upon and keeps the turnover rate on =
> my team low.
> -
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> avast! Antivirus: Inbound message clean.
> Virus Database (VPS): 7/25/2003
> Tested on: 7/27/2003 9:50:54 PM
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