and all that is easier than clicking a button in my program?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "T. Mike Howeth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2003 12:00 PM
Subject: [xmail] Re: log file => spammers

> ok, here are the details for a simplified implementation -
> first, I share the directory on the server that contains the spammer list
and modify its permissions so that I can write to some of
> the files in it from the machine & userID that I normally use (my "dev
> on the dev box, I use a 3rd-party utility "Redemption".
(  I do this because the retrieval of
> certain message information from code in Outlook triggers a security
warning that is unnecessary in this context, and Redemption
> gets around it.  Use of Redemption is not required but makes the result
> in outlook, I added a toolbar button that invokes vba code that does the
work.  First, it retrieves the message header (using
> Redemption); it could also be retrieved by calling CDO directly I assume.
> Public Function MailItemGetHeaders(MItem As Outlook.MailItem) As String
>   Dim utils, PrHeaders
>   Dim result As String
>   On Error Resume Next
>   Set utils = CreateObject("Redemption.MAPIUtils")
>   PrHeaders = &H7D001E
>   result = utils.HrGetOneProp(MItem.MAPIOBJECT, PrHeaders)
>   utils.Cleanup
>   MailItemGetHeaders = result
> End Function
> the vba code then parses the first Received: header and extracts the
sending MTA's IP address and reverse DNS info.  Since the
> received header was constructed by xmail, I always know exactly what its
format is. (Received: headers normally have no specific
> standard format).
> (The reverse DNS info is available because I have xmail add it to the
Received: headers but it is not required for this to work
> although I use it for other purposes)
> finally, the vba code adds the IP address to the spammer list (I removed
some of the error checking from this to make it easier to
> read):
> Public Sub IPIsSpammer(ByVal IPInfo As String)
>   Dim Path As String
>   Dim IPAdr As String
>   Dim fd As Integer
>   On Error Resume Next
>   IPAdr = Left(IPInfo, InStr(IPInfo & " ", " ") - 1) ' discard RDNS info
if present
>   Path = "(pathname of file)"
>   fd = FreeFile
>   Open Path For Append As #fd
>   if err.number=0 then
>     Print #fd, """" & IPAdr & """" & Chr(9) & """"""
>     Close #fd
>   end if
> End Sub
> ---
> tmike
> -
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> ---
> avast! Antivirus: Inbound message clean.
> Virus Database (VPS): 7/25/2003
> Tested on: 7/27/2003 12:22:54 PM
> avast! is copyright (c) 2000-2003 ALWIL Software.

avast! Antivirus: Outbound message clean.
Virus Database (VPS): 7/25/2003
Tested on: 7/27/2003 12:25:22 PM
avast! is copyright (c) 2000-2003 ALWIL Software.

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