Actually,  "double tap"ing won't work unless they add a substantial 
delay in sending the next mail. Any server that tries again too soon is 
badly configured, or a spammer.  It then gives you times to let that 
spammers IP get propagated on some of the black lists.

Shiloh Jennings wrote:

>If this became widespread, then a lot of ISPs would need to set their =
>servers to retry a lot more often.  Otherwise, customers would complain
>about the email delays.  Also, if it were widespread, spammers would =
>double tap each email.  Sending the exact same email twice instead of =
>would get the spam through the Greylist filter.  And by requiring such, =
>would only be encouraging more bandwidth wasting.  Greylisting is, at =
>only a very short term solution.  As soon as it became popular, it would =
>longer be useful.
>What I would like to have more than anything right now is SMTP-SASL, so =
>could fully implement SPF.  Right now, I have no way of opening another =
>port for only SMTP AUTH connections.  I want to open 587 for SMTP but =
>SMTP AUTH.  That would do me world more good than Greylisting.

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