I only can tell you what is my scenario to help you:

- My LAN works with Xmail 1.21 (2 of them) over W2000 servers behind a 
Linux firewall;
- My internet connection is ADSL (yes I do!), so my ip is in a dial-up 
- I´ve got a legal domain name (.com) hosted in DynDns.org;
- I´ve configured SPF records;
- I´ve tested my self with 'http://www.abuse.net/relay.html' in order to 
pass 'open relay´tests;
- The firewall RESPONDS to icmp queries (this is important for some SMTP 
- My users CAN send email directly to Hotmail (I don´t use my ISP smtp 


edinilson@atinet.com.br wrote:

>After a week without solution I made a test to eliminate lan and dns problems.
>Using smtpfwd.tab to forward all messages to hotmail.com and msn.com to a 
>server with CDONTS (Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service) inside our lan I could see 
>that all messages were delivered without problems.
>BUT my XMail server couldn't send them directly. I changed xmail's server ip 
>address but without success.
>Could someone give me a light about this problem?
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