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On 17 Jan 2006, at 11:41, Davide Libenzi wrote:
> Can you try this?
> $ find /usr/include -type f -exec grep -H statfs {} \;

Hi again

I'm still no further forward with solution as to why I can't get a 
clean compile of 1.21 or 1.22 on NetBSD 3.0. Although I've not yet 
done a reinstall from scratch I've extracted all distribution files 
and above command pointed to that usr/include is exactly same as 

I've traced where I went wrong on subsequent postinstall and deleted 
some critical files (recovered from backup) and after reducing 
maximum sizes and number of mails parameters got around the error -
213 (this pc has only 64 MB ram vs 128 MB on system being replaced.

XMail still seems to be working ok for local mail and a short period 
with pop3 collection for lan directed through this pc.

I've a domain that gets so little genuine mail I'll direct that  
through this box and setup some of pcs on lan to send through it.

Only real problem I've seen is that /etc/daily crontab creates 
daily.out with 'To: root' and uses 'sendmail -t' to extract 
recipients which isn't accepted by XMails sendmail. I've just changed 
that and similar crontabs to use real sendmail.


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