Hi guys,
I have just installed XMail 1.25 and am not seeing some odd behaviour from it.  
 It has taken me a while to try and track down what is happening, but here it 
is from what I can find.

The new server is put live and works extremely well.    After several hours, I 
get alerts saying that the system memory is exhausted.    The memory footprint 
of XMail stays consistent at about 85mb - the rest of the system memory is all 
allocated to Buffers and Cache.   There is virtually no swap space used, but a 
higher than expected load average on the system.

I have taken the server offline so there is no traffic running to it.  On a 
reboot the memory is released, but as soon XMail is restarted the Cache and 
Buffers climb back up and use all the memory again.  That would eliminate an 
external influence on the server, and suggest something that is already on the 
XMail queue.

I wiped all frozen spool from the server and restarted again.  Same as above, 
the server released the memory but as soon as XMail started it started to grab 
all free memory for Cache and Buffers.  This would suggest something that XMail 
is still trying to process?

I trawled the spool queue and found several mails that appeared to be "stuck".  
It would appear that XMail would repeatedly try and process these, it would not 
as I could see spool files being created and removed as it goes thorough the 
motions.   I have downloaded the spool queues and had a look through them 
offline, it would appear that the mails that are causing an issue on this 
server are coming from badly set up domains.   I ran these domains through 
dnsstuff to see how they were set up.

One of the domains was set up with no MX record and no A records.  Even when 
manually submitting test mail for this domain, it would be accepted and then 
causes XMail to overreact.
The rest of the domains I saw on the spool queue had minor anomalies, but when 
submitting manual mails via telnet for these domains it did not seem to cause 
the same reaction as the domain with no zone information.

Obviously wiping the spool queue and rebuilding it from the source example 
resolves the issue and the behaviour returns to normal.

Is this a known behaviour or "feature" in 1.25?  Has anyone else seen this 
happening?  Is there any way of being able to stop this behaviour?

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