-----Original Message-----
 Behalf Of Davide Libenzi
Sent: 24 April 2008 16:20
To: xmail@xmailserver.org
Subject: [xmail] Re: XMailServer 1.25 Memory Footprint

On Thu, 24 Apr 2008, Vinny Wadding wrote:

> Damn, I was hoping I had missed an option in server.tab. ;-)
> I only mentioned the memory usage above to clarify that I didn't look lik=
e =3D
> it I was any leak in XMail itself.  Obviously, this is a new server and a=
t =3D
> the moment only test traffic is running though it before it goes fully li=
> ..  When that happens the memory usage will, no doubt, go up accordingly.
> The server it is running on is a Fedora8 X64 Server, with 4gb of memory. =
>  have two perl filters running.   A pre-smtp spf filter and an inbound/ou=
> ound virus scan.

I assume you did verify that it was actually XMail using the memory, and
not the filters (especially the AV one)?

- Davide

Absolutely... It seemed to make no difference if the filters were running o=
r not.  I tried it both ways around.   Results were the same when submittin=
g mails for that domain - the buffers/cache would immediately start increas=
ing where as the memory that xmail was using did not significantly change.

It ok when submitting mails for any other domain.  Which is why I suspected=
 it might be something to do with this domains setup at the time.


It was the only thing that seemed to make sense.

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