On Mon, 21 Apr 2008, Vinny Wadding wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I have just installed XMail 1.25 and am not seeing some odd behaviour 
> from it.   It has taken me a while to try and track down what is 
> happening, but here it is from what I can find.
> The new server is put live and works extremely well.    After several 
> hours, I get alerts saying that the system memory is exhausted.    The 
> memory footprint of XMail stays consistent at about 85mb - the rest of 
> the system memory is all allocated to Buffers and Cache.   There is 
> virtually no swap space used, but a higher than expected load average on 
> the system.
> I have taken the server offline so there is no traffic running to it.  
> On a reboot the memory is released, but as soon XMail is restarted the 
> Cache and Buffers climb back up and use all the memory again.  That 
> would eliminate an external influence on the server, and suggest 
> something that is already on the XMail queue.
> I wiped all frozen spool from the server and restarted again.  Same as 
> above, the server released the memory but as soon as XMail started it 
> started to grab all free memory for Cache and Buffers.  This would 
> suggest something that XMail is still trying to process?
> I trawled the spool queue and found several mails that appeared to be 
> "stuck".  It would appear that XMail would repeatedly try and process 
> these, it would not as I could see spool files being created and removed 
> as it goes thorough the motions.   I have downloaded the spool queues 
> and had a look through them offline, it would appear that the mails that 
> are causing an issue on this server are coming from badly set up 
> domains. I ran these domains through dnsstuff to see how they were set up.
> One of the domains was set up with no MX record and no A records.  Even 
> when manually submitting test mail for this domain, it would be accepted 
> and then causes XMail to overreact.
> The rest of the domains I saw on the spool queue had minor anomalies, 
> but when submitting manual mails via telnet for these domains it did not 
> seem to cause the same reaction as the domain with no zone information.
> Obviously wiping the spool queue and rebuilding it from the source 
> example resolves the issue and the behaviour returns to normal.
> Is this a known behaviour or "feature" in 1.25?  Has anyone else seen 
> this happening?  Is there any way of being able to stop this behaviour?

I don't think so. The "eat all the server's memory" feature will not come 
out till 1.26 :)
Which OS is that? Why don't you post one of your telnet transactions that 
are creating problems? Talking about "some domains" and "some emails" is a 
bit vague, since it does not allow anyone to replicate your box results.

This is my XMail BTW:

    VSZ   RSS
  18676  5184

- Davide

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