On 24 Apr 2008 at 14:46, Vinny Wadding wrote:

> Damn, I was hoping I had missed an option in server.tab. ;-)
> I only mentioned the memory usage above to clarify that I didn't look like =
> it I was any leak in XMail itself.  Obviously, this is a new server and at =
> the moment only test traffic is running though it before it goes fully live=
> ..  When that happens the memory usage will, no doubt, go up accordingly.
> The server it is running on is a Fedora8 X64 Server, with 4gb of memory.  I=
>  have two perl filters running.   A pre-smtp spf filter and an inbound/outb=
> ound virus scan.
> The telnet sessions to the server were just standard ones - no errors were =
> reported at all.

Only a home user but several domains and host for a few friends.

I've had issues indirectly from XMail and filters eating up 
memory but in first case it was too many instances of perl
and most recently my AV filter causing load by false alarming 
on a particular message then due to same problem catching 
each warning email sent.

First problem was resolved by limiting number of scripts running 
at same time to just two (above four caused a rapidly increasing 
load to 100%cpu when my batch of a dozen test emails hit the 

Second problem back in January wasn't investigated and I disabled 
AV scan, cleaned out the 30k+ emails in the queue and forgot about 
it. Later I cloned then reconfigured same setup onto another server 
but for another domain and had exact same problem when AV enabled. 
After clearing spool and update of AV the problem hasn't 
reappeared on either system. It may have been a corrupted AV
update in first place. Another possibility is a race when 
scanning and AV update coincide so I modified both update and 
filter to minimise this (my perl skill is not good enough to 
eliminate rather than minimise).


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