On Tuesday 06 January 2004 07:29 am, Olivier Galibert wrote:
> > It would be a shame if someone spent a lot of time
> > adding a new emulation to MAME only to have it rejected because the
> > developer was not aware of the current MAME policy.
> I've yet to see that happen.  Warez kiddies don't make good driver
> programmers.  I know of only one exception, and he doesn't write mame
> drivers, he has his own emu.

Ah I see, so if someone decided to write a system 573 emulator, that person 
would be deemed a "warez kiddie" in the eyes of MAMEdevs.  I guess 
Atari/Midway Vegas/Seattle hardware is clearly way out of the "warez kiddie" 
realm.  Thanks for clarifying this for me.

> >  I admit I havn't perused the
> > readme files recently, is there anything describing the current MAME
> > policy in the distribution text files?
> No.  You can thank people like lillymon and you for that.

Ah yes, it's better to leave it undocumented and undefined so that people will 
be left guessing.  You certianly don't wan't to have a clearly defined MAME 
policy, that might stop flame wars and we all know how much MAME devs love 
flame wars.  I can tell from your above statement that MAMEdevs love making 
personal attacks as well.

> > As I stated above, I am not in the loop.  Most people are excluded from
> > these type of dicussions, I just assumed the policy was in place due to
> > legal reasons.
> What do you think we are, stupid?  We perfectly know how long
> copyright lasts, thank you very much.

There are a lot of people besides me are are not clear on the purpose of MAME 
policies.  But as you pointed out above, MAMEdevs by no means want to clarify 
the issue (I guess because they love flame wars and making personal attacks 
from what I can surmise from just this thread alone)

> > However I guess it is really up to us to figure out on our own why
> > these policies are in place since they are not documented anywhere AFAIK.
> Well, actually reading smf's answers could help, too.

Ah yes, anything posted here is automatically common knowledge.  You shouldn't 
bother writing down any kind of policy because obviously everyone who has 
ever used or developed code for MAME is reading this thread.

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