On 2024-03-05 Dennis Ens wrote:
> > I hope 1.10 could be done in a month or two but I don't want to
> > make any promises or serious predictions. Historically those
> > haven't been accurate at all.  
> I'll hope it's on the sooner side then. Is there a reason that
> xz-java is so far behind its counterpart?

These are unpaid hobby projects and the maintainers work on things they
happen to find interesting. The focus was on XZ Utils quite long, now
more attention is returning to XZ for Java.

> It seems those filters have been in that version for a while, and it
> seems strange they aren't compatible with each other. Maybe this
> should be made more clear in the README?

The README file in XZ for Java 1.9 specifies that the code implements
the .xz file format specification version 1.0.4. That doesn't include
the ARM64 or RISC-V filters.

ARM64 filter was in the master branch already. RISC-V filter is there
now too among a few other changes. README refers to spec version 1.2.0

I understand it can be cryptic to refer to a spec version but obviously
one cannot list what future things are missing. One could list
supported filters but in theory something else could be extended too.

> I don't see anything about contributing on the xz-java github page.
> What are the best practices for contributing to this project?

I'm not sure if there is anything specific. Chatting on #tukaani can be
good to get ideas discussed quickly but it requires that people happen
to be online at the same time.

> > The encoder implementations have some minor differences which
> > affects both output and speed. Different releases can in theory
> > have different output. XZ Utils output might change in future
> > versions too.  
> I see, that makes sense. I'm glad the difference is explainable and
> not a bug. Can you explain exactly what the differences are?

I don't remember much now. It's minor details but minor differences
affect output already.

> Does xz-java always do a better job compressing since it resulted in a
> smaller file?

They should be very close in practice. You need to compare to XZ Utils
in single-threaded mode: xz -T1

Lasse Collin

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