
>THAT'S what I'm talking about!!!

Which is why we fail.


From: Bill! <>
Sent: Mon, 11 April, 2011 16:48:33
Subject: [Zen] Re: Buddhist meditation practices

THAT'S what I'm talking about!!!

--- In, "ED" <seacrofter001@...> wrote:
> "According to Dôgen Zenji, shikantaza i.e. resting in a state of
> brightly alert attention that is free of thoughts, directed to no
> object, and attached to no particular content—is the highest or
> purest form of zazen, zazen as it was practiced by all the buddhas of
> the past."
> --- In, "Bill!" <BillSmart@> wrote:
> >
> > Anthony,
> >
> > Thank you for your language lesson.
> >
> > For me and in the context of zen 'shikantaza' will always mean 'clear
> mind'. The English phrase 'just sit' will also always mean 'clear mind'.
> In fact the word 'zen' for means means 'clear mind', so when I say
> 'zazen' I mean 'sit zen' or 'sit clear mind' - which is for me
> 'shikantaza' I wouldn't think anyone associated with zen would think
> that this included daydreaming or thinking about anything at all.
> >
> > Having said all that I have heard the term 'zazen' to also describe
> sitting and working on koans. For me that's not truely zazen. That's
> focused meditation and is a teaching technique used as a precursor to
> zazen (clear mind).
> >
> > Oh well, such is the tangled web of words...Bill!


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