On 11/11/06, Robert Milkowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
CC> The manual page for zpool offline indicates that no further attempts
CC> are made to read or write the device, so the data should still be
CC> there.  While it does not elaborate on the result of a zpool detach, I
CC> would expect it to behave the same way, by leaving the data intact.

He did use detach not offline.
Also I'm not sure offline works the way you describe (but I guess it
does). If it does 'zpool import' should show a pool to import however
I'm not sure if there won't be a problem with pool id (not pool name).

Perhaps I have confused the issue of identical pool id and identical
pool names.  Still, I expect there will be issues trying to import an
orphaned part of an existing pool.  This seems like an area which
could use a bit of work.

While a single mirror vdev pool is a corner case, it probably will be
fairly common.  If a disk is intact when removed from the mirror,
though detach, offline, or simply being pulled, it should remain
importable somehow.  (Perhaps it does, after addressing the identical
pool id issue, though I haven't tried.)

In a similar way, it may be nice to allow detach to work on multiple
devices atomically.  For instance, if you have a set of mirror vdevs,
you could then split off an entire replica of the pool, and move it to
another machine.  I think you can do this today by simply exporting
the pool though, so it is not a major inconvenience.

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