After exporting the pool on the two SATA drives, shutting down and 
disconnecting them, I tried importing the pool on the EIDE drive. I get the 
message about there being no pools to import. This was done using both "zpool 
import" and "zpool import <poolname>". So, it does seem that something gets 
cleared when the drive is detached or offlined.

I agree that, while a non-standard case, the ability to import the pool on such 
a disk would be a good thing. In my case specifically, the (first) SATA drive 
did not exhibit errors until I tried to mirror it to the second SATA drive. In 
fact, I am now wondering if both drives have issues. I cannot clear the read 
errors from the first drive, and now have write errors (checksum) on the second 
disk. These checksum errors will not clear even after detaching the first SATA 
disk from the mirror and performing two scrub operations. Some of my data is 
now irretrievably corrupted, I believe, though I have no way of knowing which 
files are affected. The ability to export the pool on the two SATA drives and 
retrieve the pool on the EIDE drive is the only way to get back to a clean 

I think I'm out of luck. :-(

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