Jonathan Loran wrote:
> Richard Elling wrote:
>> Jonathan Loran wrote:
> <snip>...
>> Do not assume that a compressed file system will send compressed.  
>> IIRC, it
>> does not.
> Let's say, if it were possible to detect the remote compression support, 
> couldn't we send it compressed?  With higher compression rates, wouldn't 
> that be smart?  The Internet is not the land of infinite bandwidth that 
> we often think it is.
>> But since UNIX is a land of pipe dreams, you can always compress 
>> anyway :-)
>>     zfs send ... | compress | ssh ... | uncompress | zfs receive ...
> Gosh, how obvious is that, eh?   Thanks Richard.
>>  -- richard
> Jon

even better is the ability of ssh to compress the stream for you via ssh 
-C :)

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