Hi Calum,

heh, as it happens, I was tinkering with pygtk to see how difficult this 
would be :)

Supposing I have a ZFS on my machine called root/export/home which is 
mounted on /export/home. Then I have my home dir as /export/home/chris. 
Say I only want to snapshot and backup /export/home/chris/Documents. I 
can't create a snapshot of /export/home/chris/Documents as it is a 
directory, I have to create a snapshot of the parent ZFS, in this case 
/export/home/. So there isn't really the granularity that the attached 
spec implies. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I just tried it and 
it didn't work.

I've had a bit of a look at 'Time Machine' and I'd be more in favour of 
that style of backup. Just back up everything so I don't have to think 
about it. My feeling is that picking individual directories out just 
causes confusion. Think of it this way: how much change is there on a 
daily basis on your desktop/laptop? Those snapshots aren't going to grow 
very quickly.


Calum Benson wrote:
> Hi all,
> We've been thinking a little about a more integrated desktop presence  
> for Tim Foster's ZFS backup and snapshot services[1].  Here are some  
> initial ideas about what a Phase 0 (snapshot only, not backup) user  
> experience might look like... comments welcome.
> http://www.genunix.org/wiki/index.php/ZFS_Snapshot
> (I'm not subscribed to zfs-discuss, so please make sure either  
> desktop-discuss or I remain cc'ed on any replies if you want me to  
> see them...)
> Cheeri,
> Calum.
> [1] http://blogs.sun.com/timf/entry/zfs_automatic_for_the_people

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