Hello can,

Monday, December 10, 2007, 3:35:27 AM, you wrote:

cyg>  and it 
>> made them slower

cyg> That's the second time you've claimed that, so you'll really at
cyg> least have to describe *how* you measured this even if the
cyg> detailed results of those measurements may be lost in the mists of time.

cyg> So far you don't really have much of a position to defend at
cyg> all:  rather, you sound like a lot of the disgruntled TOPS users
cyg> of that era.  Not that they didn't have good reasons to feel
cyg> disgruntled - but they frequently weren't very careful about aiming their 
ire accurately.

cyg> Given that RMS really was *capable* of coming very close to the
cyg> performance capabilities of the underlying hardware, your
cyg> allegations just don't ring true.  Not being able to jump into

And where is your "proof" that it "was capable of coming very close to

Let me use your own words:

"In other words, you've got nothing, but you'd like people to believe it's 

The phrase "Put up or shut up" comes to mind."

Where are your proofs on some of your claims about ZFS?
Where are your detailed concepts how to solve some ZFS issues
(imagined or not)?

Demand nothing less from yourself than you demand from others.

Bill, to be honest I don't understand you - you wrote "I have no
interest in working on it myself". So what is your interest here?
The way you respond to people is offensive some times (don't bother to
say that they deserve it... it's just your opinion) and your attitude
from time to time is of a "guru" who knows everything but doesn't
actually deliver anything.

So, except that you "fighting" ZFS everywhere you can, you don't want
to contribute to ZFS - what you want then? You seem like a guy with a
quite good technical background (just an impression) who wants to
contribute something but doesn't know exactly what... Maybe you should
try to focus that knowledge a little bit more and get something useful
out of it instead of writing long "essays" which doesn't contribute
much (not that this reply isn't long :))

I'm not being malicious here - I'm genuinely interested in what's your
agenda. I don't blame other people accusing you of trolling.

No offense intended.


Best regards,
 Robert Milkowski                           mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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