On 11-Dec-07, at 9:44 PM, Robert Milkowski wrote:

> Hello can,
> ...
> What some people are also looking for, I guess, is a black-box
> approach - easy to use GUI on top of Solaris/ZFS/iSCSI/etc. So they
> don't have to even know it's ZFS or Solaris. Well...

Pretty soon OS X will be exactly that - a native booting zero-admin  
ZFS-based system - as used by your grandmother on her iMac, your kid  
son on his iBook, etc

> Wouldn't it better serve you to actually contribute to the other
> project, where developers actually get it - where no one is personally
> attacking you, where there are no fundamental bad choices made while
> in design, where RAID-5 is flawless, fragmentation problem doesn't
> exist neither all the other corner cases.

And don't forget - the perfect system doesn't waste time  
checksumming! It's unnecessary!

> Performance is best in a
> market all the time, and I can run in on commodity HW or so called big
> iron, on a well known general purpose OS. Well, I assume that project
> is open source too - maybe you share with all of us that secret so  
> we can
> join it too and forget about ZFS? ... perhaps it's time to stop  
> being Don Quixote
> and move on?

At least Sr Quixote was funny and never rude without provocation.


> -- 
> Best regards,
>  Robert                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                                        http://milek.blogspot.com
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