On Tue, 11 Dec 2007, Robert Milkowski wrote:

> Hello can,
> Tuesday, December 11, 2007, 6:57:43 PM, you wrote:
>>> Monday, December 10, 2007, 3:35:27 AM, you wrote:
>>> cyg>  and it
>>>>> made them slower
>>> cyg> That's the second time you've claimed that, so you'll really at
>>> cyg> least have to describe *how* you measured this even if the
>>> cyg> detailed results of those measurements may be lost in the mists of 
>>> time.
>>> cyg> So far you don't really have much of a position to defend at
>>> cyg> all:  rather, you sound like a lot of the disgruntled TOPS users
>>> cyg> of that era.  Not that they didn't have good reasons to feel
>>> cyg> disgruntled - but they frequently weren't very careful about aiming 
>>> their ire accurately.
>>> cyg> Given that RMS really was *capable* of coming very close to the
>>> cyg> performance capabilities of the underlying hardware, your
>>> cyg> allegations just don't ring true.  Not being able to jump into
>>> And where is your "proof" that it "was capable of coming very close to
>>> the..."?
> cyg> It's simple:  I *know* it, because I worked *with*, and *on*, it
> cyg> - for many years.  So when some bozo who worked with people with
> cyg> a major known chip on their shoulder over two decades ago comes
> cyg> along and knocks its capabilities, asking for specifics (not even
> cyg> hard evidence, just specific allegations which could be evaluated
> cyg> and if appropriate confronted) is hardly unreasonable.
> Bill, you openly criticize people (their work) who have worked on ZFS
> for years... not that there's anything wrong with that, just please
> realize that because you were working on it it doesn't mean it is/was
> perfect - just the same as with ZFS.
> I know, everyone loves their baby...
> Nevertheless just because you were working on and with it, it's not a
> proof. The person you were replaying to was also working with it (but
> not on it I guess). Not that I'm interested in such a proof. Just
> noticed that you're demanding some proof, while you are also just
> write some statements on its performance without any actual proof.
>>> Let me use your own words:
>>> "In other words, you've got nothing, but you'd like people to believe it's 
>>> something.
>>> The phrase "Put up or shut up" comes to mind."
>>> Where are your proofs on some of your claims about ZFS?
> cyg> Well, aside from the fact that anyone with even half a clue
> cyg> knows what the effects of uncontrolled file fragmentation are on
> cyg> sequential access performance (and can even estimate those
> cyg> effects within moderately small error bounds if they know what
> cyg> the disk characteristics are and how bad the fragmentation is),
> cyg> if you're looking for additional evidence that even someone
> cyg> otherwise totally ignorant could appreciate there's the fact that
> I've never said there are not fragmentation problems with ZFS.
> Well, actually I've been hit by the issue in one environment.
> Also you haven't done your work home properly, as one of ZFS
> developers actually stated they are going to work on ZFS
> de-fragmentation and disk removal (pool shrinking).
> See http://www.opensolaris.org/jive/thread.jspa?messageID=139680&#139680
> Lukasz happens to be my friend who is also working with the same
> environment.
> The point is, and you as a long time developer (I guess) should know it,
> you can't have everything done at once (lack of resources, and it takes
> some time anyway) so you must prioritize. ZFS is open source and if
> someone thinks that given feature is more important than the other
> he/she should try to fix it or at least voice it here so ZFS
> developers can possibly adjust their priorities if there's good enough
> and justified demand.
> Now the important part - quite a lot of people are using ZFS, from
> desktop usage, their laptops, small to big production environments,
> clustered environments, SAN environemnts, JBODs, entry-level to high-end 
> arrays,
> different applications, workloads, etc. And somehow you can't find
> many complaints about ZFS fragmentation. It doesn't mean the problem
> doesn't exist (and I know it first hand) - it means that for whatever
> reason for most people using ZFS it's not a big problem if problem at
> all. However they do have other issues and many of them were already
> addressed or are being addressed. I would say that ZFS developers at
> least try to listen to the community.
> Why am I asking for a proof - well, given constrains on resources, I
> would say we (not that I'm ZFS developer) should focus on actual
> problems people have with ZFS rather then theoretical problems (which
> in some environments/workloads will show up and sooner or later they
> will have to be addressed too).
> Then you find people like Pawel Jakub Davidek (guy who ported ZFS to
> FreeBSD) who started experimenting with RAID-5 like implementation
> with ZFS - he provided even some numbers showing it might be worth
> looking at. That's what community is about.
> I don't see any point complaining about ZFS all over again - have you
> actually run into the problem with ZFS yourself? I guess not. You just
> assuming (correctly for some usage cases). I guess your message has
> been well heard. Since you're not interested in anything more that
> bashing or complaining all the time about the same theoretical "issues" rather
> than contributing somehow (even by providing some test results which
> could be repeated) I wouldn't wait for any positive feedback if I were
> you - anyway, what kind of feedback are you waiting for?
> cyg> Last I knew, ZFS was still claiming that it needed nothing like
> cyg> defragmentation, while describing write allocation mechanisms
> cyg> that could allow disastrous degrees of fragmentation under
> cyg> conditions that I've described quite clearly.
> Well, I haven't talked to ZFS (yet) so I don't know what he claims :))
> If you are talking about ZFS developers then you can actually find
> some evidence that they do see that problem and want to work on it.
> Again see for example: 
> http://www.opensolaris.org/jive/thread.jspa?messageID=139680&#139680
> Bill, at least look at the list archives first.
> And again, "under conditions that I've described quite clearly." -
> that's exactly the problem. You've just described something while
> others do have actual and real problems which should be addressed
> first.
> cyg> If ZFS made no
> cyg> efforts whatsoever in this respect the potential for unacceptable
> cyg> performance would probably already have been obvious even to its
> cyg> blindest supporters,
> Well, is it really so hard to understand that a lot of people use ZFS
> because it actually solves their problems? No matter what case
> scenarios you will find to theoretically show some ZFS weaker points,
> at the end what matters is if it does solve customer problems. And for
> many users it does, definitely not for all of them.
> I would argue that no matter what file system you will test or even
> design, one can always find a corner cases when it will behave less
> than optimal. For a general purpose file system what matters is that
> in most common cases it's good enough.
> cyg> willy-nilly in its batch disk writes) - and a lot of the time
> cyg> there's probably not enough other system write activity to make
> cyg> this infeasible, so that people haven't found sequential
> cyg> streaming performance to be all that bad most of the time
> cyg> (especially on the read end if their systems are lightly load
> cyg>  ed and the fact that their disks may be working a lot harder
> cyg> than they ought to have to is not a problem).
> Now you closer to the point. If the problem you are describing does
> not hit most people, we should put more effort solving problems which
> people are actually experiencing.
> cyg> Then there's RAID-Z, which smears individual blocks across
> cyg> multiple disks in a manner that makes small-to-medium random
> cyg> access throughput suck.  Again, this is simple logic and physics:
> cyg> if you understand the layout and the disk characteristics, you
> cyg> can predict the effects on a heavily parallel workload with
> cyg> fairly decent accuracy (I think that Roch mentioned this casually
> cyg> at one point, so it's hardly controversial, and I remember
> cyg> reading a comment by Jeff Bonwick that he was pleased with the
> cyg> result of one benchmark - which made no effort to demonstrate the
> cyg> worst case - because the throughput penalty was 'only' a factor
> cyg> of 2 rather than the full factor of N).
> Yeah, nothing really new here. If you need a guy from Sun, then read
> Roch's post on RAID-Z performance. Nothing you've discovered here.
> Nevertheless RAID-Z[2] is good enough for many people.
> I know that simple logic and physics states that relativity equations
> provide better accuracy than Newton's - nevertheless in most scenarios
> I'm dealing with it doesn't really matter from a practical point of
> view.
> Then, in some environments RAID-Z2 (on JBOD) actually provides better
> performance than RAID-5 (and HW R5 for that matter). And, opposite
> to you, I'm not speculating but I've been working with such
> environment (lot of concurrent writes which are more critical than
> much less reads later).
> So when you saying that RAID-Z is brain-damaging - well, it's
> mostly positive experience of a lot of people with RAID-Z vs. your statement 
> without any
> real-world backing.
> Then, of course, one can produce a test or even real work environment
> where there will be lot of small and simultaneous reads, without any
> writes, from a dataset much bigger than available memory and RAID-Z would be 
> much slower than
> RAID-5. Not that it's novel - it was well discussed since RAID-Z was
> introduced. That's one of the reasons why people use ZFS on-top of
> HW RAID-5 luns from time to time.
> cyg> And the way ZFS aparently dropped the ball on its alleged
> cyg> elimination of any kind of 'volume management' by requiring that
> cyg> users create explicit (and matched) aggregations of disks to
> cyg> support mirroring and RAID-Z.
> # mkfile 128m f1 ; mkfile 128m f2 ; mkfile 256m f3 ; mkfile 256m f4
> # zpool create bill mirror /var/tmp/f1 /var/tmp/f2 mirror /var/tmp/f3 
> /var/tmp/f4
> # zpool list
> NAME                    SIZE    USED   AVAIL    CAP  HEALTH     ALTROOT
> bill                    373M     90K    373M     0%  ONLINE     -
> #
> # mkfile 128m f11 ; mkfile 256m f44
> # zpool destroy bill
> # zpool create bill raidz /var/tmp/f11 /var/tmp/f1 /var/tmp/f2 raidz 
> /var/tmp/f3 /var/tmp/f4 /var/tmp/f44
> # zfs list
> bill   101K   715M  32.6K  /bill
> #
> (2*128+2*256=768) - looks fine.
> If you are talking about a solution which enables user to mix
> different disk sizes in the same mirror or RAID-5 group and while all
> the time providing given protection allows you to utilize 100% of all
> disk capacities.... well, what is that solution? Is it free?
> Open source? Available on general purpose OS? Or commodity HW?
> Available at all? :P
> cyg> Now, if someone came up with any kind of credible rebuttal to
> cyg> these assertions we could at least discuss it on technical
> cyg> grounds.  But (and again you should consider this significant) no
> cyg> one has:  all we have is well-reasoned analysis on the one hand
> cyg> and some (often fairly obnoxious) fanboy babble on the other.  If
> cyg> you step back, make the effort required to *understand* that
> cyg> analysis, and try to look at the situation objectively, which do you 
> find more credible?
> Most credible to me is actual user experience than some theoretical
> burbling. While I appreciate it, and to some extend it's valid, for me
> again most important is actual experience. Going endlessly all over
> again, why ZFS is bad because you think fragmentation is a big issue,
> while most of the actual users don't agree, is pointless imho.
> Instead, try to do something positive and practical - for all the time
> you spend on bashing ZFS, you probably would have already come up with
> some basic proof-of-concept of flawless RAID-5 in ZFS or
> fragmentation-free improvement, and once you've proved it actually is
> promising everyone would love you and help you polishing the code.
> :)))))))
> cyg> ZFS has other deficiencies, but they're more fundamental choices
> cyg> involving poor trade-offs and lack of vision than outright (and
> cyg> easily rectifiable) flaws, so they could more justifiably be
> cyg> termed 'judgment calls' and I haven't delved as deeply into them.
> And what they are? What are the alternatives in a market?
> Whie ZFS is not perfect, and for some people lack of user quotes is
> no-go with ZFS, for many other it just doesn't make sense to go with
> NetApp if only for economical reasons.
> Whatever theoretical deficiencies you have in mind, I myself, and many
> others, when confronted with ZFS in real world environments, I find it
> most of the time much more flexible in managing storage than LVM, XFS,
> UFS, VxVM/VxVF, NetApp. Also more secure, etc. And quite often similar
> with similar performance or even better. Then thanks to zfs send|recv
> I get really interesting backup option.
> What some people are also looking for, I guess, is a black-box
> approach - easy to use GUI on top of Solaris/ZFS/iSCSI/etc. So they
> don't have to even know it's ZFS or Solaris. Well...
> cyg> But they're the main reason I have no interest in 'working on'
> Well, you're not using ZFS, you are not interested in working on it,
> all you are interested is finding some potential corner cases bad for
> ZFS and bashing it. If you put at least 10% of your energy you're
> putting in your 'holy war' you would at least provide some benchmarks
> (filebench?) showing these corner cases in comparison to other
> mind-blowing solutions on the market which are much better than ZFS,
> so we can all reproduce them and try to address ZFS problems.
> :))))
> [...]
>>> And I seldom disappoint myself in that respect.
> Honestly, I believe you - no doubt about it.
> cyg> You really haven't bothered to read much at all, have you.  I've
> cyg> said, multiple times, that I came here initially in the hope of
> cyg> learning something interesting.  More recently, I came here
> cyg> because I offered a more balanced assessment of ZFS's strengths
> cyg> and weaknesses in responding to the Yager article and wanted to
> cyg> be sure that I had not treated ZFS unfairly in some way - which
> cyg> started this extended interchange.  After that, I explained that
> cyg> while the likelihood of learning anything technical here was
> cyg> looking pretty poor, I didn't particularly like some of the
> cyg> personal attacks that I'd been subject to and had decided to confront 
> them.
> Well, every time I saw it was you 'attacking' other people first.
> And it's just your opinion that you offered more balanced assessment
> which is not shared by many.
> If you are not contributing here, and you are not learning here - wy
> are you here? I'm serious - why?
> Wouldn't it better serve you to actually contribute to the other
> project, where developers actually get it - where no one is personally
> attacking you, where there are no fundamental bad choices made while
> in design, where RAID-5 is flawless, fragmentation problem doesn't
> exist neither all the other corner cases. Performance is best in a
> market all the time, and I can run in on commodity HW or so called big
> iron, on a well known general purpose OS. Well, I assume that project
> is open source too - maybe you share with all of us that secret so we can
> join it too and forget about ZFS? I'm first to "convert" and forget
> about ZFS. Of course as that secret project is so perfect it probably
> doesn't make sense to contribute as developer as there is nothing left
> to contribute - but, hey - I'm not a developer - I'm user and I'm
> definitely interested in that project.
> cyg> No, my attitude is that people too stupid and/or too lazy to
> cyg> understand what I *have* been delivering don't deserve much respect if 
> they complain.
> Maybe you should thing about that "stupid" part...
> Maybe, just maybe, it's possible that all people around you don't
> understand you, that world is wrong and we're all so stupid. Well,
> maybe. Even if it is so, then perhaps it's time to stop being Don Quixote
> and move on?


Well said Robert!

Al Hopper  Logical Approach Inc, Plano, TX.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            Voice: 972.379.2133 Fax: 972.379.2134  Timezone: US CDT
OpenSolaris Governing Board (OGB) Member - Apr 2005 to Mar 2007
Graduate from "sugar-coating school"?  Sorry - I never attended! :)
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