> Hello can,
> Thursday, December 13, 2007, 12:02:56 AM, you wrote:
> cyg> On the other hand, there's always the
> possibility that someone
> cyg> else learned something useful out of this.  And
> my question about
> To be honest - there's basically nothing useful in
> the thread,
> perhaps except one thing - doesn't make any sense to
> listen to you.

I'm afraid you don't qualify to have an opinion on that, Robert - because you 
so obviously *haven't* really listened.  Until it became obvious that you never 
would, I was willing to continue to attempt to carry on a technical discussion 
with you, while ignoring the morons here who had nothing whatsoever in the way 
of technical comments to offer (but continued to babble on anyway).

- bill
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