Richard Elling wrote:
> Darren J Moffat wrote:
>> Jeff Bonwick wrote:
>>> All that said, I'm still occasionally tempted to bring it back.
>>> It may become more relevant with flash memory as a storage medium.
>> Would it be worth considering bring it back as part of zdb rather than 
>> part of the core zio layer ?
> I'm not convinced that single bit flips are the common
> failure mode for disks.  Most enterprise class disks already
> have enough ECC to correct at least 8 bytes per block.

and for consumer rather than enterprise  class disks ?

Which after all are the people most likely to be hit hardest because:
        a) their disk is cheaper quality
        b) less likely to have a redundant pool config
            eg on a laptop which can physically only have one disk
        c) less likely to have an off pool backup
        d) can't recover easily if the filesystem doesn't help them
            and are used to filesystems that give them their data even
           if it is corrupt.
            For example a few bit flips in an MP3 or MPEG4 file probably
           don't matter too much to many people in a consumer system and
            they would rather have that then have ZFS tell them they
           can't have the pool or some files in it.

Darren J Moffat
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