On Tue, 22 Apr 2008, Jonathan Loran wrote:
> I suppose with ditto blocks, this has some merrit.  Someone needs to 
> characterize how errors probigate on different types of WORM media.  perhaps 
> this has already been done.  In my experience, when DVD-R go south, they 
> really go bad at once.  Not a lot of small bit errors.  But a full analysis 
> would be good.  Probably it would make the most sence to write mirrored WORM 
> disks with different technology to hedge your bets.

It does not really matter since ZFS supports various forms of RAID, 
including arbitrary mirroring.  If possible, the media can be 
purchased from different vendors so there is less chance of similar 
bit-rot across the lot.

With $40 to $200 million spent per project, a few extra copies is in 
the noise. :-)

Bob Friesenhahn
[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,    http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/

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        • ... Bob Friesenhahn
          • ... Mark A. Carlson
            • ... Bob Friesenhahn
              • ... Gregory Matthews
  • ... Scott
  • ... Ralf Bertling
    • ... Bob Friesenhahn
      • ... Jonathan Loran
        • ... Bob Friesenhahn
          • ... Jonathan Loran
            • ... Bob Friesenhahn
    • ... Peter Brouwer, Principal Storage Architect, Office of the Chief Technologist, Sun MicroSystems

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