I'm using a gigabyte I-RAM card with cheap memory for my slog device with great 
results. Of course I don't have as much memory as you do in my project box.  I 
also want to use the left over space on the I-ram and dual purpose it for a 
readzilla cache device and slog.  Picked it up off ebay along with some 
computer guts and an nsc-314s 3u 14 hot swap drive rackmount case.

Like everyone else, I have been spending hours trying to find a supported high 
capacity SATA card that supports PCI-Express. I wish someone would make a 
driver for that adaptec card mentioned in this thread.  it is very reasonably 
priced for a project box. Everything else that fits that category and is 
supported seems to be $320 or much more.
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