I think you are not reading carefully enough, and I 
can trace from your reply a typically American 
arrogant behavior.

WE, THE PROUDEST AND infallibles on earth DID NEVER MAKE
a mistake. It is just the stupid user who did not read the
fucking manual carefully enough.


Hello? Did you already recognized the sound of the shot??

No, you didn't. If you would, than you'd know, that we are
of recovering the data.

I learned my lesson well, and in future this won't happen
again, because we will no longer use zfs, but we have a legal
interest, to get back our data we stored in trust on a non reap
Filesystem developed and introduced by Sun.

And that Sun has a big problem regarding version numbers and
supported options is not a secret.

e. g.: On Solaris 10 generic 10-2008, latest updates, running
zfs Version 10 the 't' option in zdb is missing.

But on SNV 107, same zfs Version 10 't' option of zdb is available.

AND: it is not acceptable, that having on 2 systems the same
zfs version running, that the output of zdb -u <pool> differs.

Even if a UFS/ReiserFS is corrupted, you have chances to access
even a part of the date.

On ZFS you can't. You are lost inside the castle someone has the
key just thrown away. And the key just seems to held by the developers
of Sun.

If you have any idea of IT Security, you should know well the expression
and meaning of "The key of the kingdom".

And as more postings we have to read in the sound of yours as more we are 
thinking to raise a court trail against Sun just to stop that
american arrogance and to withhold technologies and methods to recover
a filesystem.

However, just tell me how to get the data back from the hard drive zfs
just messed up with, and you are the king, and we are happy, and this
issue us closed.

I hope I've made myself very clear.

Regards from Germany.
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