On Fri, 2009-09-25 at 01:32 -0700, Erik Trimble wrote:
> Go back and look through the archives for this list. We just had this 
> discussion last month. Let's not rehash it again, as it seems to get 
> redone way too often.

You know, this seems like such a common question to the list, would we
(the zfs community) be interested in coming up with a rolling set of
'recommended' systems that home users could use as a reference, rather
than requiring people to trawl through the archives each time?

Perhaps a few tiers, with as many user-submitted systems per-tier as we

 * small  boot disk + 2 or 3 disks, low power, quiet, small media server
 * medium boot disk + 3 - 9 disks, home office, larger media server
 * large  boot disk + 9 or more disks, thumper-esque

and keep them up to date as new hardware becomes available, with a bit
of space on a website somewhere to manage them.

These could either be off-the-shelf dedicated NAS systems, or
build-to-order machines, but getting their configuration &
last-known-price would be useful.

I don't have enough experience myself in terms of knowing what's the
best hardware on the market, but from time to time, I do think about
upgrading my system at home, and would really appreciate a
zfs-community-recommended configuration to use.

Any takers?


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