On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 10:56 PM, Toby Thain <t...@telegraphics.com.au> wrote:
> On 25-Sep-09, at 2:58 PM, Frank Middleton wrote:
>> On 09/25/09 11:08 AM, Travis Tabbal wrote:
>>> ... haven't heard if it's a known
>>> bug or if it will be fixed in the next version...
>> Out of courtesy to our host, Sun makes some quite competitive
>> X86 hardware. I have absolutely no idea how difficult it is
>> to buy Sun machines retail,
> Not very difficult. And there is try and buy.
Indeed, at least in Spain and in Italy I had no problem buying
workstations. Recently I owned both Sun Ultra 20 M2 and Ultra 24. I
had a great feeling with them and price seemed very competitive to me,
compared to offers of other mainstream hardware providers.

> People overestimate the cost of Sun, and underestimate the real value of
> "fully integrated".
+1. People like "fully integration" when it comes, for example, to
Apple, iPods and iPhones. When it comes, just to make another
example...,  to Solaris, ZFS, ECC memory and so forth (do you remember
those posts some time ago?), they quickly forget.

> --Toby
>> but it seems they might be missing
>> out on an interesting market - robust and scalable SOHO servers
>> for the DYI gang ...
>> Cheers -- Frank
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