
> Here is the big difference. For a professional backup people still typically
> use tapes although tapes have become expensive.
> I still believe that a set of compressed incremental star archives give you 
> more features.

Thanks for your comments!

I think I roughly understand the feature trade-offs, and have some experience 
with back-up solutions ranging from simple to enterprise.

I guess what I am after is, for data which really matters to its owners and 
which they actually had to recover, did people use tar/pax archives (~ file 
level standard archive format), dump/restore (~ semi-standard format based on 
files/inodes) or zfs send/receive (~ file system block level dump), or 
something else, and why? (Regardless of how these are implemented, hobby 
scripts or enterprise tools, how they dealt with possible media failure issues, 

Other than the file system vs. file restore, is there any concern in doing the 
block level thing? "Concerns" as in "mind being in the line of fire if it 
fails?" :-)

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