On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 5:39 PM, Frank Cusack <fcus...@fcusack.com> wrote:

> On January 23, 2010 5:17:16 PM -0600 Tim Cook <t...@cook.ms> wrote:
>> Smaller devices get you to raid-z3 because they cost less money.
>> Therefore, you can afford to buy more of them.
> I sure hope you aren't ever buying for my company! :) :)
> Smaller devices cost more $/GB; ie they are more expensive.
First off, smaller devices don't necessarily cost more $/GB, but that's not
really the point.  For instance, the cheapest drive per GB is a 1.5TB drive
today.  The third cheapest is a 1TB drive.  2TB drives aren't even in the
top ten.  Regardless that's a great theory when you have an unlimited
budget.  When you've got a home system and X amount of dollars to spend,
$/GB means absolutely nothing when you need a certain number of drives to
have the redundancy you require.

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